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This Permission Agreement replaces the previous agreement.

This Permissions Agreement grants ECRI the perpetual, non-exclusive right to prepare derivative summaries (i.e., Guideline Profiles) of your organization's clinical practice guidelines (guidelines) and to display and distribute these summaries on the websites of widely recognized commercial medical publishers and on the EGT website.

As a non-profit, independent organization, ECRI is committed to continuing its mission of promoting the importance and use of evidence-based guidelines in clinical practice. ECRI will distribute EGT content, including your organization’s guideline recommendations, on the websites of widely recognized, reputable commercial medical publishers. The benefits of including, displaying, and distributing guideline content on non-ECRI websites include:

  • Much larger and more diverse audience for your clinical practice guideline content.
  • Allowing ECRI to offset some of our costs to perform guideline appraisal and dissemination.
  • This model will prevent ECRI from charging fees to societies for participation in EGT.

Your organization agrees to grant ECRI the right to produce Guideline Profiles that include content from your clinical practice guidelines, for your organization's current and future guidelines that meet the ECRI Inclusion Criteria.

Your organization agrees to provide ECRI with an electronic full-text version of your organization's clinical practice guidelines.

Your organization represents and warrants that it is the author(s) of the guidelines, and/or that it possesses all rights necessary to grant the rights herein to ECRI. Your organization represents and warrants that the guidelines do not infringe upon any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of any third party. Your organization also represents and warrants that by entering into this Agreement it is not violating any agreements with third parties.

ECRI agrees to provide attribution to your organization as the author/developer/owner(s) of such clinical practice guidelines.

ECRI agrees to inform users about standard terms governing downloading, use, and reproduction of clinical practice guidelines.


Contact Information


This Agreement shall be effective as of the date it is submitted, and shall remain in force unless terminated by either party by giving prior written notice to the other party of not less than sixty (60) calendar days. If this Agreement is terminated, ECRI shall be permitted to continue to use, and distribute, those guidelines that were provided hereunder up through the date of termination. ECRI will maintain this agreement on file and make it available to the guideline developer upon request. No fees shall be paid by ECRI to your organization in exchange for ECRI's use of the guidelines.

Any questions, please contact