Ask HRC: Safety Concerns for Hyperbaric Chambers

April 21, 2009 | Health System Risk Management


A Healthcare Risk Control(HRC) member asked us for information regarding safety considerations for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chambers used for wound care. Our response, which is included in part here, combined information from three ECRI Institute resources: the Healthcare Product Comparison System (HPCS), the Health Technology Assessment Information Service (HTAIS), and the Healthcare Standards Directory (HCS). Together, these resources provide a comprehensive overview of the reported problems, effects on hospital operations, and relevant standards associated with the use of HBOT. For more information on these resources, visit their respective Web sites, or contact

The HPCS report includes a detailed description of the purpose, principles of operation, and purchase considerations related to HBOT chambers. This excerpt from the section “Reported Problems” describes some issues that facilities should...

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