Making HRC Better: Results from Our Member Survey

February 1, 2013 | Health System Risk Management


In August and September 2012, we undertook our first comprehensive member survey in four years, looking for your input on how the Healthcare Risk Control (HRC) System works for you and where you see opportunities for improvement. We were thrilled to get thoughtful responses from more than 560 HRC members, and even more excited to take your feedback and use it to make sure that HRC remains the premier resource for healthcare risk managers and patient safety professionals.

You’ll be hearing a lot more from us about the survey and the changes we’ll be making to HRC as a result. For now, here are some preliminary results, and answers to some of the hundreds of comments we got.

Lots of people. Unsurprisingly, most of our respondents (73%) counted risk management among their responsibilities, and nearly half (49%) listed patient safety. HRCusers (not necessarily risk managers) also named quality (29%), safety and security (17%), and education (11%) among their responsibilities. Even more responsibilities were reflected in the dozens of other titles respondents listed, ranging from chief medical officer and legal counsel to the head of a geropsychiatric unit. The diversity in responses helps to highlight that, in most cases, a healthcare organization’s HRC membership includes online access for an unlimited number of users. If you’d like to make sure others in your...

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