Radio DJs’ Prank Underscores Importance of Privacy

March 15, 2013 | Aging Services Risk Management


​Two radio DJs' December 2012 broadcast of a call to a London hospital in which they posed as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles and were given confidential information about the Duchess of Cambridge illustrates the importance of protecting patients' and residents' privacy, according to a perspective piece in the February 27, 2013, New England Journal of Medicine. More often, the unauthorized person seeks billing information in order to obtain medical services or bill for services that were never provided, for example. Financial ramifications abound. The victim may be financially liable for some or all of the costs and may face service limits when he or she seeks care. Taxpayers bear the burden of Medicare and Medicaid overpayments, and those with private insurance may face higher premiums and copayments. Quality-of-care issues may arise as well.

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